like your spouse as much as you love him

like your spouse as much as you love him

  • How To Deal With Depression

    Sadness is often a part of each person's life. Whether you have lost a loved one, gone through the process of divorce, experienced a large change in your life, or for whatever other reason, it is normal to feel sad. Many people get the blues and are able to deal with them by themselves. However, if this sadness has become too hard to bear, you may be experiencing something more serious such as depression.

2024© like your spouse as much as you love him
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like your spouse as much as you love him

I knew that I loved my husband, but I was having a very difficult time liking him most days. My husband acted much like an overgrown teenager expecting me to do everything for him. He couldn't be bothered to put his trash in the trash can, or put his dirty laundry in the hamper or even carry his dirty dishes to the sink so that I could wash them. After about 18 years of this behavior, I finally had to find someone to go to for help. We started seeing a counselor to try to find a way for me to like him again. It has helped some. My blog will show you a few ways that counseling can help you like your spouse as much as you love him or her.
